Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Dream of Khairy

we boarded the same flight from australia back to KLIA.
it was the first time i saw him in real life. he look more handsome in real life. only darker. and his dark skin in real life, do not make him tall, dark and handsome. being fairer would definitely highlight his looks better.

i glanced at him, just enough time for me to check out the important points i've always wanted to confirm. then i looked down. standing near to him (in line to board the plane), i felt inferior. i am not hot enough for him to give a second glance at me. i wish i was the famous actress maya karin. tall and beautiful enough to get the attention from one of the most successful, rich, powerful and handsome guy in Malaysia.

Khairy, you are always in my dreams. I've heard rumours. I wish they weren't true. I hope you're not greedy as they say. I hope you're not an oppressive leader as they say.

Khairy, I cannot express how deep my hatred is towards oppressive leaders. They seem to ignore the day of judgement. The day when your leadership is questioned and even your strongest supporters will turn their backs on you. The day when even your strongest supporters will say

"Alangkah baiknya, andai kata kami taat kepada Allah dan taat (pula) kepada Rasul".
Dan mereka berkata: "Ya Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya kami telah menaati pemimpin-pemimpin dan pembesar-pembesar kami, lalu mereka menyesatkan kami dari jalan (yang benar).
Ya Tuhan kami, timpakanlah kepada mereka azab dua kali lipat dan kutuklah mereka dengan kutukan yang besar".
(Al Ahzab, 33:66-68)

i dream that one day, i meet khairy to express my hate towards unjust leaders. maybe we can make this world a better place together.

**khairy jamaluddin is a well known politician in Malaysia. most Malaysians blame him for the blunders happening in Malaysia. The ayat, is applicable to any politician, any leader in any part of the world, to remind them to be good and just leaders. The time will come for unjust leaders, even their strongest supporters will turn their backs and blame them and wish them double destruction.

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