Thursday, December 1, 2011

I am Back!

I haven't been writing for a long time. I also have a private blog, and i haven't been writing for almost 2 years. Why? First, because i got married. I write because i want to voice out my frustrations, feelings and anger and my love towards my religion. Marriage, in some ways, provides a channel for me to vent out this feelings. Unfortunately, this resulted in me being less creative in my writing.

After about a year being married, i am back. because i feel there is a lacking of marriage information for muslims. i want to read about the married life of a muslim, unfortunately, there aren't many because of course, muslims are not allowed to discuss intimate details of their lives with other people. But maybe being anonymous helps?

But i am not after the intimate details, however. i am just interested in how people handle  marriage life, and i am still very much amazed and how beautiful Allah made marriage to be.... 

and also i have been reading, watching and researching history through korean dramas and would love to share some insights about the drama and relate that to islamic history.

I am writing from a new perspective, but  i didnt want to lose my old blog posts, even though they are irrelevant and may reveal who i am. 

ok, enough of me trying to explain myself. I want to provide good writings that appeal to muslims.

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