Monday, December 31, 2007

There is Crude Oil Under the Land of Palestine

I wrote this a long time ago. When the oil price was high and everyone were talking about it. So this is a little out of date, but the Palestinian issue is not. For non-Malay language speakers, please get urself a translation of 9:111 of the Quran. since i understand little arabic, i like to read the malay translation better than the english. plus, yeah i did say people are idiots. its just to make a statement.

There is crude oil under the land of Palestine. Under the desert sands, the rocks are saturated with crude oil, waiting for the extensive exploration works to be done. According to geologists, the Gaza strip is the place where we can find the most oil. About 49.65 times OPEC production. The world will never have an oil crisis and never have to think of alternative energy if the oil in Palestine is explored.

That is why the Palestinian is defending what is left to them to their last drop of blood. And that is why the Israelis are determined to seize whatever they haven’t possessed to the last drop of the Palestinians blood.

And the people in the other parts of the world are idiots. They don’t really care what is happening to Palestine. Because Palestine is not their land. And the place where they are staying is peace and sovereign, Yeah, the oil crisis bites into their monthly earnings, but it is not something to be worried about. They know that sooner or later they will adjust to the prices, and the market will just have to establish a new high to make them lose sleep about it.

Idiots. Mostly because they don’t help the Palestinians fight for their land. The Israelis will not share the oil if they get it, but the Palestinians will. It’s their promise. “Help us,” the Palestinians say, “and you can have all the oil underneath if you want to, we just don’t want it to go to the Jews. Because we know, the whole world will be in trouble if the oil goes to the Jews. Only an idiot cannot anticipate this! So the whole world, lets do it for the sake of the oil underneath!!”

Idiots. That is what we are. Of course, the whole crude oil thing is just fiction. Survey shows that, if there is vast amount of crude oil under the Palestinian land, then 99.9% of the Muslims in the world, would fight for the piece of land. And they will be willing to fight till the last drop of their blood, just like the Palestinians.

Idiots. The wealth that crude oil brings will never be able to compete with the reward that Allah promised in the Quran. The reward to Muslims who are willing to sacrifice themselves and their wealth for Allah. The reward to the Palestinians for sacrificing all that they have for a piece of land that Allah demand the Muslims to protect.

As mentioned in the Quran in Surah At Taubah, (9:111)
“Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, diri dan harta mereka dengan memberikan surga untuk mereka. Mereka berperang pada jalan Allah; lalu mereka membunuh atau terbunuh. (Itu telah menjadi) janji yang benar dari Allah di dalam Taurat, Injil dan Al Qur'an. Dan siapakah yang lebih menepati janjinya (selain) daripada Allah? Maka bergembiralah dengan jual beli yang telah kamu lakukan itu, dan itulah kemenangan yang besar.”

Crude oil or no crude oil, in the end, the Palestinians are on the winning side. But where will we be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.